North Creek Newbie: Scott Fisher

We'd like to introduce you to the newest member of the North Creek team, Scott Fisher

As North Creek's Ecological Customer Service Representative, Scott will assist customers with everything from plant quotes and order fulfillment to guiding seasonal tours of our plant trialing program, demonstration gardens and habitat plantings.

Scott is a graduate of the Temple University School of Environmental Design and holds a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture. Prior to joining North Creek, Scott managed garden design, installation and maintenance projects for Terrain at Styers. Since 2010 he has also served as a docent at Mt. Cuba Center, a public garden located in Hockessin, Delaware.

A native of Collingdale, PA, Scott discovered a love for open spaces and horticulture at a very young age. He grew up in a pre-civil war era house surrounded by grape vines, pear trees, cherry trees, perennial borders and a huge woodland lot. It was this very tract of land where he would explore nature and feed his curiosity to learn all he could about plants, insects and soil. When it was time to come home from playing in the woods, Scott would help his mother prepare veggie starts, perennials, potted plants, and fresh cut arrangements for her independent flower shop.

Scott is eager to meet our customers and looks forward to the opportunity to work with a diverse group of landscape professionals, ecologists, horticulturists and public officials. Stop by our booth (571 & 573) at MANTS to meet Scott and chat with our staff about 2014 plant introductions and what's new at the 'Creek - we hope to see you in Baltimore!

Scott's Stats:
Favorite PlantsJeffersonia diphylla, epiphytes & spring ephemerals

Hobbies: Canoeing, hiking, surfing & skateboarding, ornithology, entomology, ethnobotany, visiting public gardens and discovering the Brandywine River Valley.

First Concert: AC/DC (at the tender age of 12)

Dislikes: Litterbugs

Favorite Project Since Starting at NCN: The City of Lancaster Rain Gardens. Scott and Claudia West, our Ecological Sales Manager, will be assisting officials from the City of Lancaster with a national and statewide model in green infrastructure methods of stormwater management in an effort to clean up local streams and rivers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. We'll keep you posted on their progress! 


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