Rain Garden Workshop offered at the 2014 Native Plants in the Landscape Conference

Workshop 1: Vegetated Solutions for Functional
and Aesthetic Rain 
Thursday, June 5th  ǀ  8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Join North Creek’s very own Claudia West & Kevin Staso to kick off the Native Plants in the Landscape Conference on Thursday, June 5th for Workshop 1: Vegetated Solutions for Functional and Aesthetic Rain Gardens. In this daylong event, participants will learn why a majority of rain garden designs fail to meet our expectations and how to turn your next project into a success. The purpose of this advanced and professional workshop will be to properly design within a successful plant community that will provide maximum function and aesthetic appeal. Attendees will learn how to select, properly combine and install native plants based on a mixed planting approach — transforming beliefs, embracing new methodologies and dispelling currently “accepted” rain garden design.

View the conference brochure HERE. Register Online HERE. For more information call (717) 871-2189 or email nativeplantsatMU@gmail.com.

Field trips and workshops are rain or shine and depart from the Student Memorial Center. Comfortable footwear and clothes along with a hat and sunscreen are recommended. Attendees will need to bring their own hand trowels and gloves. Transportation, drinks, and a boxed lunch are included in the additional fee for the field trips.


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